Caroline F. Benton
- 1994年3月 筑波大学大学院経営・政策科学研究科修士課程修了
- 1997年3月 東京工業大学大学院理工学研究科博士後期課程修了、博士(学術)取得
- 1993年7月 アールビーシー株式会社 チーフ・コンサルタント
- 1999年2月 株式会社土屋企画 専務取締役
- 2002年4月 英国国立ウエールズ大学経営大学院 MBA(日本語)プログラム 教授
- 2008年8月 筑波大学大学院ビジネスサイエンス系教授(現在に至る)
- <修士課程(国際経営プロフェッショナル専攻)>ビジネス戦略 、異文化マネジメント
- <博士課程>知識経営
経営情報学会、経営行動科学学会、Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology
- Magnier-Watanabe, R., Benton, C., Knowledge Needs, Barriers and Enablers for Japanese Engineers, Knowledge and Process Management
- Benton, C. and Magnier-Watanabe, R. (2013) The impact of commitment, empowerment, and embeddedness on knowledge management in domestic and foreign-affiliated firms in Japan. Knowledge Management Research & Practice (in print).
- Benton, C., Magnier-Watanabe, R. (2013) Enablers of Knowledge Management across Borders: A Structural Approach. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (in print).
- Benton, C., Magnier-Watanabe, R., Herrig, H. and Aba, O. (2011) A hybrid style of e-learning in MBA education across borders. International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development, 2(3), pp. 112-126
- Magnier-Watanabe, R., Benton, C. and Senoo, D. (2011) A study of knowledge management enablers across countries. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 9(1), pp. 17-28
- Magnier-Watanabe, R., Benton, C., Herrig, H. and Aba, O. (2011) Blended learning in MBA education: A cross-cultural experiment. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 26(3), pp. 253-263
- Teramoto, Y., Benton, C. (2003) Reforming Business Models through Knowledge Strategy, 国際経営・システム科学研究第34号、早稲田大学アジア太平洋研究センター、19~28項
- Benton, C., Kijima, K. (1998) Variety Engineering in the Changing Competitive Environment of Japanese Retail Distribution, Systems Research Vol. 15, International Federation for Systems Research, pp. 3-14
- Benton, C., Kijima, K. (1996) Maintaining Foreign Subsidiaries’ Ability to Self-organize in the Japanese Market, Systems Research Vol. 13 (4), International Federation for Systems Research, pp. 447-456
- Magnier-Watanabe, R., Benton, C., Herrig, H. and Aba, O. (2013). Bringing Virtual Teams and Cross-Cultural Business Education into the Classroom, in Bossche P., Gijselaers, W.H. and Milter, R.G. (Eds.), Facilitating Learning in the 21st Century: Leading through Technology, Diversity and Authenticity, Advances in Business Education and Training, Vol. 5. Springer, Berlin (in print, ISBN 978-940076136-0)
- ベントン・キャロライン(2012)「いま、なぜ若者は海外へ行かなくなったのか」『グローバル人材の育てる』第一章、pp6-27、筑波大学付属学校教育局、東洋館出版社
- Akhtar, M., Teramoto, Y., Benton, C. (2007) Next Generation Information and Communication Technologies Deployment in Japan, Competitiveness of New Industries: Institutional Framework and Learning in Information Technology in Japan, the U.S. and Germany, Routledge, pp. 233-255
- ベントン・キャロライン(2007)「米国における営利と非営利の競争と協創の歴史」、『営利と非営利のネットワークシップ』、同友館、39~60項
- Teramoto, Y., Benton, C. (2005) Organizational Learning Mechanisms for Corporate Revitalization, Japanese Management: The Search for a New Balance between Continuity and Change, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 116-132
- Benton, C., Richter, F-J, Takai, T. (2004) Meso-Organizations and the Creation of Knowledge, Praeger Publishers, Greenwood Publishing Group
- Benton, C. (2004) Promoting Competence and Reform with Global Groups, Meso-Organizations and the Creation of Knowledge, Praeger Publishers, Greenwood Publishing Group, pp. 167-193
- Benton, C., Teramoto, Y. (2002) Revolutionizing Japanese Corporate Governance, Asian Post-Crisis Management, Palgrave, pp. 281-298
- Benton, C. (2001) 知のリバイアサン」、『知識文化論①知識の神秘と科学』、新評論、54~97項
- Teramoto, Y., Benton, C. (2001) Networking Knowledge for Value Creation, Intangibles in Competition and Cooperation, Palgrave, pp. 163-176
- Teramoto, Y., Benton, C. (2000) New Development Model for a Post-matured Japanese Industrial Sector, The East Asian Development Model, Macmillan Press, pp. 297-312
- Teramoto, Y., Benton, C. (2000) Reorganizing Japanese Business Groups in Times of Crisis – Sony’s Bold Experiments, The Asian Economic Catharsis, Quorum Books, Greenwood Publishing Group, pp. 149-163
- Benton, C., Teramoto, Y. (2000) New Economic Development and Strategic Alliances in the Japanese Finance Sector, The Asian Economic Catharsis, Quorum Books, Greenwood Publishing Group, pp. 185-201
- ベントン・キャロライン(2000)「ブランド・オン・ザ・ネット」、『ブランド経営』、同友館、115~157項
- Benton, C. and Magnier-Watanabe, R. (2013) Understanding the Knowledge Needs of Engineers - A Comparative Analysis of Japanese Software and Hardware Engineers, Proceedings of the 2013 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET 2013), submitted
- Benton, C., Nagai, H., Tsukuba, H., Petrvoskaya, I., Waldenbuger, F., and Kino, Y. (2012), Meta-cognitive Approach for Global Leadership Competency Training & Development, American Society for Training and Development
- ベントン・キャロライン、永井裕久(2012)グローバルリーダシップのコンピテンシー選択:国際比較調査に元つくモデル探索、第4回横幹連合総合シンポジウム、pp. 69-70(2012年11月1日)
- 長塚明郎、ベントン・キャロライン (2012) 米スマートグリッド市場参入の為の新しい競争戦略の策定、経営情報学会12年秋季全国研究発表大会
- 永井裕久、椿広計、ベントン・キャロライン、木野泰伸(2012)、グローバルリーダーシップにおけるダブルループ学習メカニズムの検索、経営行動科学学会第15回年次大会発表論文集、pp. 419-424(2012年11月18日)
- Benton, C., Magnier-Watanabe, R. (2011) A study of the effects of commitment, empowerment, embeddedness on knowledge management in Japan. Proceedings of the 6th Knowledge Management in Organizations Conference (KMO 2011), Tokyo (Japan), CD-ROM.
- Magnier-Watanabe, R., Benton, C., Herrig, H. and Aba, O. (2011) Blended Learning: Bringing Remote Teams and Cross-Cultural Education into the Classroom. Proceedings of the 18th Educational Innovation in Economics and Business Conference (EDiNEB), Lyon (France), pp. 249-258
- Nagai, H., Benton, C. (2011) Meta-cognitive Approach to Global Leadership Competencies, Conference on Exploring Leadership & Learning Theories in Asia, Feb 2011
- Magnier-Watanabe, R., Benton, C., Herrig, H. and Aba, O. (2010) Technology-mediated learning across borders: A cross-cultural case-study. Proceedings of the 2010 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET 2010), Phuket (Thailand), CD-ROM.
- Benton, C., Magnier-Watanabe, R., Herrig, H. and Aba, O. (2009) A hybrid style of e-learning in MBA education: Blending of synchronous/asynchronous learning and cross-cultural education for an international group of students. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interactive Computer-aided Learning (ICL 2009), Villach (Austria), CD-ROM
- Benton, C. and Magnier-Watanabe, R. (2009) A structural model of knowledge management across borders. Proceedings of the 2009 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET 2009), Portland, OR (USA), CD-ROM
- Moriya, T., Benton, C. (2008) Knowledge Sharing and Creation in the Semiconductor Equipment Industry, International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing 2008, Tokyo Japan, Oct. 27-29, 2008
- Magnier-Watanabe, R., Benton, C. and Senoo, D. (2008) A cross-country comparative analysis of enabling factors of knowledge management. Proceedings of the Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Society, Science & Technology (TJASSST) 2008, Kantaoui (Tunisia), CD-ROM
- Tsubaki, H., Nagai, H., Benton, C., Shirata Y. ( 2008) An International Survey on Corporate Expectations of Business Schools, ABEST 21
- Kato, M., Teramoto, Y., Benton, C., et al. (2004) An Analysis of the Development of Successful Engineers: The Structure and Cultivating Factors of Engineer Competence, Proceedings of the Symposium on Innovation Management in the Technology-Driven World, PICMET ’04 Symposium, File #16-01
- Teramoto, Y., Benton, C., Akhtar, M. (2003) Implementing Next Generation Communication Technologies in Japan: Lessons Learned and Strategic Impacts, Conference on Information and Communication Technologies Report, German Institute for Japanese Studies
- Teramoto, Y., Benton, C. (2002) The Significance and Future of Knowledge Innovation, 第44回オフィス・オートメーション学会報告、オフィス・オートメーション学会(現日本情報経営学会)
- 寺本義也、中西晶、ベントン・キャロライン(2002)ナレッジイノベーションの新たな展開: 21世紀型価値創造のマネジメント、第45回オフィス・オートメーション学会報告、オフィス・オートメーション学会(現日本情報経営学会)
- Teramoto, Y., Benton, C., (2000) Synchronizing Business Evolution and Human Resource Management Strategies, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference, Asia-Pacific Region of Decision Sciences Institute
- ベントン・キャロライン、寺本義也(1999)知識社会における企業モデルと人材開発、第40回オフィス・オートメーション学会報告、オフィス・オートメーション学会(現日本情報経営学会)
- Networking Knowledge for Value Creation, International Workshop on Intangibles and Competitive/Co-operation Strategy: Measurement and Management Issues, New Delhi, India, December 29-31, 1999